Saturday, 27 December 2014


Concept Attainment Model is given by Jerome Bruner. This model requires a student to figure out the attributes of a category that is already formed in another person’s mind by comparing and contrasting example (called exemplars) that contain the characteristics (called attributes) of the concepts with examples that do not contain those attributes.
          Essentially the examplars are a subset of a collection of data or a data sets. The category is the subset or collection of examples that share one or more characteristics that are missing in the others. It is by comparing the positive examplars and contrasting them with the negative ones that the concept or category is learned.
          In the present study CAM is used as a tool to help the students to attain the concepts of English Grammar.
(a)   Syntax

          In Concept Attainment Model phase one involves presenting data to the learner. Each unit of data is a separate example or non-example of the concept. The units are presented in pairs. The data may be events, people, objects, stories, pictures or any other discriminable units.
          In phase two, the students test their attainment of the concept, first by correctly identifying additional unlabeled examples of the concept and then by generating their own examples.
In phase three, students begin to analyze the strategies by which they attain concepts.
         Diagram 1
Syntax of the Concept Attainment Model

Table: 1
Phases of Concept Attainment Model
Phase One
Presentation of Data and Identification of Concept
    1.Teacher present labeled examples.
2.Students compare attributes in positive and negative example.
3.Students generate and test hypotheses.
4.Students state a definition according to the essential attributes.

 Phase Two
Testing Attainment of the Concept
1.     Students identify additional unlabeled examples as yes or no.
2.     Teacher confirms hypotheses, names concepts and re-states definitions according to essential attributes.
3.     Students generate examples.
Analysis of Thinking Strategies
1.     Students describe thoughts.
2.     Students discuss role of hypotheses and attributes.
3.     Students discuss type and number of hypotheses.
(b)Social System
 Prior to teaching with the Concept Attainment Model, the teacher chooses the concept, selects and organizes the material into positive and negative examples and sequences the example. The three major functions of the teacher during concept attainment activity are to record, prompt (cue) and present additional data.
(c)Principle of Reaction
          During the flow of the lesson, the teacher needs to be supportive of the students’ hypotheses. In the later phase of the model, the teacher turn the students’ attention towards analysis of their concepts and their thinking strategies, again being very supportive.
(d)Support System
          Concept Attainment lessons require that positive and negative examplars be presented to the students. The data sources are known beforehand and the attributes visible. When students are presented with an example, they describe its characteristics (attributes), which can then be recorded.
(e)Instructional and Nurturant Effects
          Concept Attainment Model is designed for instruction on specific concepts and on the nature of concepts. With abstract concepts, the strategies nurture an awareness of alternative perspectives, a sensitivity to logical reasoning in communication and a tolerance of ambiguity. The instructional and nurturant effects of Concept Attainment Model are depicted in the following figure.
Diagram 2
Instructional and Nurturant Effects of CAM

Diagram 3
A Diagrammatic Representation of Strategies of CAM

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